Cameron Corner is the point where 3 states – QLD, N.S.W. & S.A. – meet.
The Cameron Corner Store is situated in the SW Outback QLD. Due to the uniqueness of our locality, the store has a QLD post code, a N.S.W. postal address and a S.A. telephone number.
We have a range of services to offer from, FREE camping, accommodation, to cold beer and drinks, meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner – souvenirs to Tri-State golf!
There is even a good conditioned airstrip for those who want to fly in and visit.
Cameron Corner Airstrip Coordinates: 28˚59.334’S , 141˚00.080’E
We have Diesel, and Premium Unleaded fuel .
We have eftpos and cash facilities
To book accommodation please contact us on 08 8091 3872
For those purchasing souvenirs online please note that we can only post parcels every Wednesday.